IDA wins BCA BIM Gold Award for 2017

IDA received the BCA BIM Gold Award at an event held on June 13, 2017. IDA was recognized for its innovation efforts – adopting computational design and an improved BIM workflow. With this milestone, IDA is committed to collaborating and sharing these innovations with other industry affiliates. One of the goals is to build a community where ideas will spur transformation of the building industry as a whole. Investment on new technologies such as VR and AR will be paramount. For more information, visit the BCA Site.

IDA wins BCI Asia Top 10 Architects for 2017

BCI Asia has once again recognized IDA as one of the Top 10 Architects in Singapore. The BCI Asia Top 10 Awards provides an overview of the regional building and construction industry by recognizing the top architectural firms and developers that had the greatest impact on the built environment in Southeast Asia. A full list of the BCI Asia Top 10 Architect awardees can be found here.

IDA wins BCI Asia Top 10 Architects for 2016

For the first time in over 20 years, IDA has been recognized as being one of the Top 10 Architects in Singapore! BCI Asia has conferred the award during a ceremony held last May 7, 2016. Several IDA team members attended the event. It was truly a remarkable milestone for IDA, with 2016 seeing several leaps and bounds for the group: a new office environment, and new members. A full list of the BCI Asia Top 10 Architect awardees can be found here.