Tag: VR

Im-Arch Asia 2019 announced

We are pleased to announce IM-ARCH ASIA -The first Immersive Architecture conference and workshop to be held in Singapore. We are inviting everyone in the Architecture, Engineering, Real Estate, Interior Design and Construction sectors, as well as Cultural Heritage professionals to participate in this extraordinary 3-day event, covering immersive technologies of VR, AR, and MR (virtual, augmented, and mixed reality).

For more details, visit link.

IDA Office ➞

ID Architects is not your conventional architectural office. It is a practice where traditional methods have been replaced with advanced tools, and thereby making a difference – reforming, reinventing and transforming the workplace through new technologies such as virtual design methodologies and computational design. Such a difference demanded a unique approach to their new office, one that enables maximum collaboration, co-working, encouraging creativity, research and development, incubation and realization of new ideas, while maintaining the core of the practice – creativity in a dynamic environment. The space calls for a design studio that advocates a holistic growth among its members – career, professional, technological, family, health, mind-soul, corporate social responsibility, and social wellbeing.

The proposed space initially had a few constraints –a large core which limits natural lighting, and low beams with complex M&E services affecting headroom. These will eventually be used to the office’s advantage.

IDA Joins IM Arch Venice 2018 ➞

For the second year, IDA participates in IM Arch in Venice, with our very own Gerard Teo as one of the conference speakers. It was also an opportunity for IDA to announce the upcoming local version of the event, dubbed IM Arch Asia!

IDA Tech Joins Singaplural ➞

From https://singaplural.com/:

SingaPlural showcases the best design elements from the multi-faceted creative spectrum.​
With the theme ‘A State In Play’, SingaPlural 2018 is a celebration of the stage of work even before design begins. In Play, there are no failed experiments, only experiments with unexpected outcomes.​
showcased their computational design process and VR capabilities during the 2-week event. The installation aims to showcase the integration of technology and programmatic logic into the field of architectural design.
The software and hardware on display were available for visitors to play with. Gerard Teo from IDA Technology explains the concept behind the installation in this video.

Johan Hanegraaf Visits IDA

Architect Johan Hanegraaf from Dutch based design firm Mecanoo shared his knowledge with the IDA team covering topics from computational design, BIM, and VR based design. He also gave a preview of his ongoing project, Archispace, a solution for architects to design, simulate and communicate in a virtual space. Visit his blog.

IDA’s Head of VR Gerard Teo delivers talk @ Singapore Poly

For the annual International BIM Competition (IBC) organised by BCA, IDA gave a lecture at Singapore polytechnic as a primer to the competition, preparing the students and participants for the competition. the topics covered included application of computational design to actual practice scenarios, and aimed to inform and inspire the participants on the utility and potential of the tools available.

Unity 5.6 ➞

“Our latest beta release includes improved editor and 2D features, better graphics performance, a new video player and support for Facebook Gameroom & Google DayDream. We are excited to announce the release of the Unity 5.6 beta. The beta release is available to all Unity users, including Personal Edition users.”

Unreal Webinar Part 2 ➞

“Join visualization specialist Fabrice Bourrelly and learn how to create high-quality architectural design experiences using Unreal Engine.

In this second of four webinars, Fabrice will give you a practical workflow guide for getting started with the engine.”

IDA VR Team Joins IM-Arch VR Conference in Venice ➞

The Immersive Architecture group in San Servolo, Venice have organized an International Conference on Augmented and Virtual Reality for Architecture, Real Estate and Heritage. The IDA team of Jin, Gerard and Edmund have recently participated in this 3-day event: Jun 1 – 2 was the conference proper, while a workshop was conducted in Jun 3. It is the first of many conventions the IDA VR team will participate in for extensive collaboration with like-minded professionals in the industry.